Traveling to Gustavus
You can get to Gustavus Alaska by water, or air. This page will help you plan travel for your kayaking trip with us.
Book nowDirections — Getting to Gustavus
Gustavus is the departure point of most of our expeditions and the gateway to Glacier Bay National Park. In scheduling your transportation and vacation time, please be cautious about making your departure plans from Gustavus too close to your estimated expedition return time. There is always the chance of a delay in returning to Gustavus, especially if unexpected bad weather sets in.
By Water
The Alaska Marine Highway (state operated ferry system, 800-642-0066) is the sea route to Alaska from Bellingham, Washington and Prince Rupert, British Columbia with stops at several Inside Passage communities including Gustavus.
Travel time between Juneau and Gustavus is a few hours and this is a great way to see a bit more of southeast Alaska and the Tongass national forest. If you are traveling to other locations in Southeast Alaska the ferry is a great way to go.
By Air
Air Travel is one of the most common forms of transportation in Alaska. Alaska Airlines, (800-426-0333) provides daily direct jet service to Gustavus from Seattle and Juneau. “Air taxi” service to Gustavus from Juneau, Skagway, and Haines is available on either a “seat fare” or charter basis many times each day – call us for information and reservations. Your travel agent can give you the best fares from your city to Juneau or Gustavus.
Need More Help?
Even with the information age upon us, you will never match the local knowledge that we have gathered by living here and being involved in arranging tours for independent travelers. Our staff is always happy to help with all aspects of your Alaska vacation. Please contact us today!