Our Trips
Southeast Alaska has some of the worlds greatest sea kayaking and camping. It offers truly remote areas where we can travel for days without seeing anyone else, glaciers, and fantastic opportunities for wildlife viewing. Our trips explore 10,000 year old growth forests and brand new land just uncovered by glaciers. On land we'll see ancient trees, muskegs, river systems, glacial streams and the truly fantastic world of the intertidal zone.
Day Trips
If time in Gustavus and Glacier Bay is limited, you can still experience world-class sea kayaking and whale-watching with fantastic day trips. These trips leave from Gustavus and we provide the gear, guides, and lunch.
Glacier Trips
Glacier Bay National Park is one of Alaska's most breathtaking landscapes - and there's no better way to experience its grandeur than by embarking on a guided, multi-day sea kayaking expedition into its stunning backcountry.
Whales Trips
Our Whales trips are our most popular and longest-running — we pioneered these adventures over 35 years ago and know every inch of shoreline, the best places to view humpback whales, and superb hikes through old growth forest.
Wilderness Trips
Our multi-night wilderness expeditions let you explore the raw, untouched beauty of Southeast Alaska’s coast, with opportunities to observe brown bear, whales, seals, and migrating salmon.