Our Guides
Our guides are the best in the industry. Not only that — they own the company! At Spirit Walker we recognize that the guide is the most important part of any trip. We invest heavily in our guides to make sure they have more than just the necessary skills to make your trip safe and enjoyable. Our guides have the experience and training to provide the safest, most enjoyable wilderness adventure possible.
Qualifications and Training
All of our expedition guides have a Wilderness First Responder certification. Each year our guides complete a 40-hour training course, which includes kayak safety and rescue, wilderness medicine, and in-depth training in tides, wind, current and weather. Natural history is an equally important part of training, and instructors are selected from among our local experts: whale and bear biologists, geologists, and naturalists.
In addition, our guides have the training and experience to:
- Make things easier. Guides handle all trip planning, logistics, packing, and many camp chores. So relax and make the most of your trip! They provide complete instruction in kayaking and minimum impact camping. No experience is required for our trips!
- Keep you safe. Our experienced guides are highly trained to anticipate and avoid dangers to help ensure your safety. While every outdoor activity entails an element of risk (we can’t promise you won’t get hurt), we have never had a serious injury during our thirty years in operation.
- Keep you informed. Guides enhance your appreciation and enjoyment by sharing personal knowledge of the natural and cultural history of the areas we visit. Not only do they know the names of plants and animals, but can help weave together the rich connections between the plants, animals, geology, ocean and weather in a way that conveys the richness of the area.
- Share your experience. Our guides are good company too!